Soil Bag gardening is an easy way to have some delicious veggies without tools or large yard. Just buy composted soil in bags, lay the bags out, open them up and plant the seeds. Don't forget the water and sunshine and you are good to go!!! For more on Soil Bag Gardening see: http://urbangardenproject.wordpress.com/2009/03/27/no-space-for-raised-beds-no-problem-soil-bag-gardening/
You don't have to buy a lot of composted soil if you want to do b

This is a rather nice looking one. You can grow out of the small holes. Just compost soil, leaves, grass clippings, food scraps, newspaper (avoid color printed pages). Keep it in a sturdy bag. When ready, poke holes in the bags, poke seeds in the holes, and there's your garden!!

Be sure to use sturdy bags or double or triple the bags to hold the soil. Soil can become quite heavy and push on the bags.
Here are some additional sites for information on Soil Bag Gardening: