If you live in an apartment or are physically limited create a raised bed table. These items can be purchased or created from scrap wood.
These raised beds save your backs, knees, and space. Made with care or store bought tables can look attractive and enhance your deck or patio. If they look nice, they should be ok for an apartment. Wheels on the legs make them easily movable.
You may think that you can't grow much in these raised beds but a 2'x 6' table gives you 12 square feet of garden. Follow the square foot garden philosophy and you will be able to feed your family some great veggies!
If this is too much work for you, check out my September 3, 2009 post for some cheap, easy (very easy) gardening solutions. Still too much work, I also have a link to Local Harvest to find CSA farms and local farmer's markets for good fresh veggies, close to home.