I love my little place in the country. We've been inundated by butterflies. The weather is turning cooler so the deer seem to stay out a bit longer. This morning was the first day of deer hunting season. I lay in bed listening to the hoo-hoo-hoohoohoooooo of an owl in the tree by the well. Also, listening for the start of the season. Thankful that I heard no shots, I got up, fixed breakfast and started my day. It was a glorious fall morning. The post oaks are starting to turn yellow, the poison sumac turns red. We still have wildflowers blooming. The butterfly to the right is one of many that have enjoyed the late-blooming flowers.
As I was puttering around the house, I heard Harold (my husband) yell, "Laura, come quickly. COME NOW!" I headed out the door, rounded the corner and he was by our "blue barn" doors. He said, "Get Buddy (the dog) in the house, NOW." I put the dog in the house and hurried back to see what he was behind the door. I asked if it was a racoon? No. Snake? No. By then, I'd rounded the door and there at the entrance to the building, sheltered by the partially open doors was a doe. She was dead. We looked for entry wounds and didn't see any. After looking her over, we decided she'd gotten hit by a car or truck and ran. She was so beautiful.
Harold got the tractor, took her body to the back pasture, dug a hole with the tractor and we placed her in and covered her. I hope that's the last one I have to care for in that manner. I like taking pictures, and watching them from my porch or treehouse but, I'm not a hunter. I have nothing against hunters as long as they are going to eat the meat. I just don't like wasted life, animal or human.