This is a story of hope. It may not start out that way but you can help make it a story of hope. The picture at the left is my niece, Stephanie. Stephanie was the first infant I had ever held. As I watched her grow, played with her, sang to her, and teased her, I grew to love her even more. She was lots of fun and even at a young age was very opinionated! Stephanie grew into a beautiful woman, marrying her high school sweetheart and the love of her life.
The two of them worked hard at becoming responsible, successful individuals. They were full of love for God, family, and their precious son. When their son was 6 months old, Stephanie was diagnosed with breast cancer. Little did they know in the early part of her fight that it was a very aggressive type of cancer that didn't behave like others. The two of them dedicated themselves to winning the battle, seeking out the right doctors, following their advice and for a while it seemed like they were going to pull it off. Then, when their son was nearly 4 years old, the cancer came back with a vengeance. Two months after his 4th birthday, Stephanie finished her battle. (Sad? You bet. Hope??? just wait).
The last two years of her life, Stephanie took part in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk. She walked SIXTY MILES in 3 days (about a week after her last chemo treatment). Her grace, laughter, strength, and loving spirit touched the hearts of many who walked the same road - they joined her team, The Hopefuls, the following year. Even after she left us, the team continues on in her memory in HOPE that with the money raised for breast cancer research, other nieces, mommies, sisters, aunts, grandmas and even daddies and grandfathers will not have to finish their fight the way Stephanie did.
This is where YOU can help make this a story of HOPE. My son will be walking in the 3 Day in her memory as part of The Hopefuls team. For 31 days (started early because the walk is earlier), I am wearing a different pink item every day. I have been posting my pics on Facebook but many I know don't "do" Facebook. I will post my last twelve pictures to date and then continue to post pictures.
For every day of Pink, I'd like you to donate at least $1 to the walk. Here is the link to my son's effort: All donations need to be submitted to th issite by October 29 to complete registration. Help us give HOPE to all those who face it!
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