The other day, I was walking from my garden to the porch where, in season, the hummingbird feeders hang to feed the little visitors. They leave the hill country in mid-August. I take the feeders down, clean them up and store them for the spring migration. This is mid-September and the feeders are put away. I have a garden below the feeder hooks that have red-flowered salvia and autumn sage. I saw a lone hummingbird, hovering from flower to flower, drawing sustenance from what was there. I was wondering why the bird didn't fly with the others or why it showed up at this time. I went inside so it could feast in peace. I didn't want to scare it off. We've had a drought so I don't know how many natural feeding areas they have between here and their southern home.
Sometimes, I am like that hummingbird, not quite in step with everyone else. I'm not flying with my charm (group of hummingbirds). I flew away from them to the hill country and am in a spot where there are more mockingbirds, wrens, and other birds (including hawks and owls). I feel out of step and not sure if there are any hummingbirds around me. When I walk into a cafe or sit down at a table for the local fund raiser, people look at me and keep up their conversations.
I've been in this position before and it takes quite a while to find a place where you fit in. I feel awkward and inadequate. Sometimes, others come in our midst that look a little lost, out of place. It may be church, synagogue, school, or community activities. It's hard being "out of step" so, if you see someone looking a little uncomfortable or out of place, don't just look and turn the other way pull out a chair and start a conversation. Your other friends will follow your lead.