Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where do you go?

In India, one of the curiosities was sanitation. There were many ditches with raw sewage and there are many houses that do not have indoor facilities. There are many modern homes and lots of modern hotels and office buildings. Many are definitely NOT what you would see in the U. S. (that doesn't make it bad, just different). Anyway, talking about going (you may wonder why I would talk about this but if you had experienced what I did, digestion-wise, going is often on the mind of visitors!). In the office building where I worked, there were bidets in the women's water closets. That was interesting. You figured out just how nice it was when you felt the tp!

When we went to Mysore, the restaurant where we ate had the unusual toilet you see at the right. For the many times I had to squat in the woods while camping, I was thankful because I had to do that with this contraption. The corrugated sides are where you place your feet, then you get situated, squat and go. They also provided a faucet and pitcher for any additional cleanup that might be required.

Speaking of going. Many people traveling on the road didn't think anything about pulling over, unzipping and letting it fly! Without trying to be discrete or worrying about gender. When you had to go, you go and it doesn't matter where.

I have quite a few NICE photos to post and will post over the next couple of days. I have moved their home to a place that allows for better description interface. Until then!