I am in India as part of my job. I am a technology trainer. After working with our team for less than 2 months, we prepared training materials for web-based and face-to-face classes and 4 of us are traveling in Asia, training.
It's very interesting just getting to work! The driving rules are a bit different with very few traffic signals. Sometimes there are traffic police directing traffic at intersections but that isn't very often. Take a look at the video: Driving India to see what it looks like from a bird's eye view then imagine being a passenger. Thankfully, the company provides a car with driver or I don't think I'd make it! This is a city of 7 million people and the roads are just not quite able to keep up with the demanding pace.
The fellow standing with my husband is the doorman at our hotel. Many of the employees wear the older uniforms and there are some really interesting ones. I'll try to get more and upload them to my snapfish account.
For those who wonder, yes, there are cows (not just Brahman) that wander the street. In the evening on my way from work, we usually pass cows that have been tied up for milking. I asked the driver who's cows they were and he said they were no one's in particular and that anyone is free to milk them.
There is a traffic circle with a 4 foot wall. A cow grazes there by standing in the road and eating off the top of the circle! It's an adventure getting around but I've not seen a wreck or been in one, yet!
This weekend we'll get to get out in the countryside for a bit and see things away from Bangalore.