The wildlife around here is just awesome to view. Although we own guns, we don't kill animals; we target shoot. The only kind of wildlife shooting we do it on film or digital camera. We have deer that feed on acorns in our back pasture and drink from our stock pond. For people who have problems with deer in their gardens, fertilize with donkey manure (horse manure works, too). Deer won't feed in areas where there is donkey or horse manure.
We had two hawks that roosted in one of the oak trees by the pond. It's really cool to watch the birds and nature interact. I hope the hawks eat moles. They burrow a lot. They don't damage gardens but create soft spots in which large animals can sink.
I have put away the hummingbird feeders till spring, am cleaning up the birdhouses and storing it all until spring. I've pulled out the bird feeders and am cleaning them up for the migrating birds. There are less insects as the weather gets colder so, I put out feeders for the winged critters.

As the weather gets cooler, I look forward for the changes in nature. Each season has wonderful things to enjoy. The bald eagles are here, nesting in the area. It's a great time to do some photo-hunting. There is a nest outside of town that has been the winter home to a couple of eagles. Each year, they give birth and teach their young to fly before heading north mid-spring.
Oh, well. Better get ready. After a week of traveling, we'll have to be ready for the crowd coming at Thanksgiving. Bonfire, hayride, food, food, food and playing are what we do Thanksgiving weekend.